new beginnings

We all have chapters in our life that we close for one reason or another whether it’s a relationship or school related. Right now, mine’s the latter, and while I’ve been waiting for this day for about 2 years, I’m also nervous.

Thanks to this blog and all of you, I have figured out where my future goals lie and I’m so excited to share them with you.

I’ve loved the sweetest thing and while it didn’t start out with a lot of focus, it surely ended with such a purpose. I’m so proud and so happy to show you this…

….my final independent study book! It’s 97 pages (60% dually printed) and has all the posts from here and my survey analysis, which I’ll post tomorrow. [NOTE: the cover page was created using Wordle]

Thank YOU so mcuh for following, commenting and just helping me out. WE did this together Β and I can’t express to you enough how much that means to me πŸ™‚

However, because of that, I’m now leaving the sweetest thing behind and am currently working with a designer for a new blog!!! From this study last semester, I’ve found that my passions still are heavily weighted in food (duh! I went to culinary school), but in a healthy way promoting body image. I’d love to go into nutritional programming for young women to understand how food plays a role in their lives and that’s it’s more than the latest diet.

Finding Peace in Chocolate is going to be that outlet for me. It’s going to focus on us building a good relationship with food physically, emotionally, and mentally so I’m going to share with you recipes that are great for those areas of our life- fruit, veggies, whole grains for physical health; chocolate for emotional health and then how to understand your body and it’s needs for mental health. Body image will still be something I talk about, but more from this angle than from fashion. I’m so excited to get back into the kitchen!!!

From there, my plans are up in the air. I’m looking into grad schools (primarily Tufts) to possibly start next spring or fall in Nutrition Communication or Public Health, but until then I’ll continue to work at the restaurant, blog and take each day as it comes.

Oh, and how could I forget this???

Because of my new purpose/mission, I’m also submitting a proposal for the Healthy Living Summit πŸ™‚ Are you going? Maybe I’ll see you there…!

For the first time, I’m truly at peace with not knowing what the future exactly brings, but do know what I want (and I’m stubborn enough to not settle for less!) My study will always be housed here, but for now, I need to take the first step to my future…

I’ll see you soon!!!

Will you come to my new “house”? I hope so.

14 responses to “new beginnings

  1. Congrats! Let’s go to grad school for Public Health together!!!

    • haha! Where are you looking??? I probably wouldn’t go for another year though because I need to take Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry at least :/

  2. Whoa I’ve been looking at the Tufts health grad programs too! Excitement. Maybe we’ll be at the same school again! haha.

    Of course I’ll read your new blog!

    And congrats on finishing your study- you should be so proud!

  3. Congrats! What an amazing thing you’ve done, and will continue to do. Can’t wait to follow you on the new blog! πŸ™‚

  4. WAAAAHOOOO! Way to go girl! You know I’ll follow you anywhere. I know you will do well no matter where the road of life leads you. Most importantly…have fun!

  5. Congrats on your project! It looks fabulous! I am leaving Saturday the 8th. We could try and squeeze something in fore then, but not to worry, because I will be trying my hardest to move back in December! I will, of course, be following your new blog!

  6. You final project looks AMAZING. I didn’t do anything like that. I wrote like a 6-page summary paper (could’ve written a LOT more but my prof wanted to keep it short) but binding all the blog posts together, thats such a great idea!

    Excellent work Miss! And thank you for the inspiration to take my independent study to wordpress and introducing me to the healthy food blogosphere, you quite literally might have changed my life because of it! ❀

  7. Wish you all the success!!

  8. Hi Jacquie!
    I just found your blog, and am so excited that I did because it sounds like we have a lot in common! I graduated from AU in 2008 with a degree in Public Health Communication (I combined Public Comm and Health Promotion) and am planning on starting an MPH program in California next fall. I’m living at home right now, but am moving back to DC for the summer to work at a summer camp. I’d love to get to know you! It sounds like you’ve had a lot of adventures…And your final project looks really interesting!

  9. Congrats Jacquie! I’ll see you at your new home!!


  10. Yay! I will definitely follow wherever you go, my friend πŸ™‚

  11. Pingback: Sweet and soy grilled salmon & flowers to make an apartment a home « Local Foodie Fight

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