Body Image Awareness Week

As you know I’m helping to plan American University’s Body Image Awareness Week this year. It coincides with the National Eating Disorder Awareness Week, we just like to open it up and talk about disordered eating as well as clinical disorders. Most times disordered eating or EDNOS (Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified) are actually more common than people think. Those people are struggling too, but without a clinical title, are overlooked. NO MORE!

I’ll be using this page to tell you about the certain events we’re holding that week of February 21-26, 2010 on American’s campus so if you’re in the area, please get involved!

Also, I’m hoping soon, that this page will have a donation part for our kick-off event that Sunday, February 21st from 11-1 pm. It’s going to be a 3.6-mile walk around campus and the surrounding areas. We’re asking walkers to get registered and provide at least a $10 donation which will go straight to the F.R.E.E.D Foundation. This foundation does a lot of work on the Hill to hopefully get the F.R.E.E.D Act passed and also helps patients who need treatment raise money for it. You’d be helping someone get better and ultimately saving their life from pain and possibly death. 🙂

UPDATE 1.22: I will post the link when I get it, but we’re going to get the donation and registration information up this week. What I think is going to happen is if you’d like to register, you’re going to go to the F.R.E.E.D Foundation, donate, and then register with your receipt number. Likewise, you can register and pay the day of the walk by check.

UPDATE 2.4: REGISTRATION IS UP! If you’re in the D.C. area on February 21st and would like to participate in our walk, please go here to register. Thank you in advance and I can’t wait to see all of you there 🙂

2 responses to “Body Image Awareness Week

  1. Pingback: study progress « the sweetest thing

  2. Jackie,

    A great event for a great cause! Hope all goes well tomorrow. Rock Recovery is sending a representative (Mary Kemp) to participate (I’m sad that I can’t attend myself). I hope you run into her, and regardless, would love to talk with you in the near future about the services we starting to provide to the D.C. area.

    Carylynn Larson
    Director, Rock Recovery

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